I come to your home or care facility to perform gentle, therapeutic massage:
to bring flexibility and mobility to rigid muscles and tissues
to increase the body’s relaxation response and decrease pain and agitation
to stimulate the mind-body connection in support of a more integrated and higher functioning physiology
Mobile massage is ideal for a variety of people:
Elderly clients experiencing a decline in physical and mental functioning
Individuals with pain and mobility issues as a result of disease, neurological disorder or physical disability
Home or care bound individuals who would benefit from receiving soothing, compassionate touch therapy
Individuals in need of palliative care
This type of massage can be performed while fully clothed and seated, or laying on a couch or bed. Clients may also opt to sit on a massage chair.
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Find me at the Headache Center of Hope in Kenwood, Ohio. Call 513-646-3954 to schedule.
© 2023 Alisa Fisher, LMT