The healing power of touch

I practice therapeutic massage, a more holistic and medically inclined type of massage that treats a variety of dysfunctions and imbalances.

Myofascial Release, Muscle Energy Technique, CranioSacral, NeuroAffective Touch, and Swedish Massage are the modalities I use to relieve musculoskeletal pain while inducing feelings of relaxation and wholeness.

When we connect to our bodies, we are better able to cope with tension, recover from injuries, and adapt to changes.

Healing often begins with an awareness of the places where we have become stuck—emotionally and physically. This “stuckness” in the body often manifests as a physical symptom. It’s where energy is bound up. Rather than taking medicine to mask the symptom, I will help you get to the root cause. And it will be in a natural, life-giving way.

I decided to become a massage therapist when I experienced a powerful return to peace and wellness on the road of my own healing journey. Gentle, alternative therapies allowed my body to reintegrate to health and wholeness. I have been a recipient of Network Spinal, Myofascial Release, Polarity Therapy, Therapeutic Massage, Healing Touch and Craniosacral Therapy.

Exercise and movement are also an important part of my life and enhance my ability to be an effective therapist. I practice Hanna Somatics, Qigong, the Tracy Anderson Method, and regularly walk and jog.

These practices and therapies made me aware that
subtle changes can have a big impact. One of my favorite modalities, Myofascial Release, involves gentle, sustained pressure.

This type of touch brings fluidity and movement into the tissues. As the body senses “I am safe,” it begins to relax and release. Once free of restrictions, the body naturally returns to homeostasis and equilibrium. Pain from injuries, repetitive movements, postural imbalance, and stress will dissipate as the fascia “unwinds.”

We all know that life can throw us some curve balls. The journey through pain and healing can be daunting. I will listen to your concerns and use my knowledge and experience to guide me to the best treatment for you.

I have treated clients with complex diagnoses, including arthritis, migraine, autoimmune disorders, lower back pain, recovery from stroke, recovery from open heart surgery, emotional trauma, and neurological disorders.

A note about emotional trauma: Many of us think about trauma as an upsetting or injurious event. While this is true, trauma can also be the absence of security, love and belonging.

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Find me at the Headache Center of Hope in Kenwood, Ohio. Call 513-646-3954 to schedule.

© 2023 Alisa Fisher, LMT

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