June 20, 2023
For many of us, our grandparents were the first people we saw aging. I was fortunate to enjoy a close relationship with my four grandparents who all lived into their 80s. Although they enjoyed a good quality of life into their wisdom years, as time went on, I became increasingly aware of their limitations. Usually, it was our family that rallied around them offering support and community, especially when a spouse passed away. Advanced old age is a distinct stage of life with a unique set of challenges.
Today, 27% of older Americans, aged 65 and older, live alone. As they age, many of these older adults struggle with physical and mental impairment. As life slows down, their interactions with others become less frequent and physical activity tends to diminish. The U.S. Administration on Aging reported that in 2019, 13% of people age 65 and older report taking prescription medication for feelings of worry, nervousness, or anxiety. 12% reported taking prescription medication for depression.
One of the easiest ways to care for our elderly population is through touch. The research shows that there are a host of physical, social, and emotional benefits to geriatric massage:
1). Human touch increases oxytocin, which induces a relaxation response in the body. Recent research indicates massage can also reduce stress hormones like adrenocorticotropin. For elderly people with Alzheimer’s and dementia, gentle touch massage can decrease agitation and foster feelings of positivity.
2). Massage stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system which slows heart and breathing rates, lowers blood pressure, and promotes digestion.
3). Touch facilitates a person’s proprioceptive senses. Elderly patients who have an awareness of their own bodies are able to move with greater coordination and coherence.
4). Massage is a form of mindfulness. Being touched draws the mind to the body to perceive what is happening. This cultivates feelings of wellness and wholeness.
5). A good massage therapist is able to give a beneficial, light touch massage. Gentle strokes increase circulation and ease muscle tension.
6). Research has found gentle touch massage can ease symptoms of arthritis.
7). Interacting with a caring adult can do a great deal to boost an elderly person’s spirits. A growing body of evidence shows that social connection is one of the most powerful predictors of happiness and life satisfaction.
Of course, it is not necessary to secure a massage therapist to provide your elderly mother or father with healing touch. A simple hand, foot or neck rub is often enough to make your loved one feel better. For more specific concerns, a longer therapeutic massage by a trained therapist may be of great benefit.
Alisa Fisher is a Licensed Massage Therapist serving clients in the greater Cincinnati area. With her gentle and compassionate approach, Alisa acts to relieve musculoskeletal pain and tension. She believes in the body’s natural ability to self-heal and return to homeostasis. Communication is a key part of the therapeutic process, and she fully expects to become close allies with her clients in their search for health and wholeness.
Cubick EE, Quezada VY, Schumer AD, Davis CM. Sustained release myofascial release as treatment for a patient with complications of rheumatoid arthritis and collagenous colitis: a case report. Int J Ther Massage Bodywork. 2011;4(3):1-9.
2020 Profile of Older Americans. May 2021. The Administration for Community Living. A division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
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Find me at the Headache Center of Hope in Kenwood, Ohio. Call 513-646-3954 to schedule.
© 2023 Alisa Fisher, LMT